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Webhooks and Capabilities

Even though a webhook type is specific to a point in a workflow, there still be another level of detail required to properly route the webhook request to the specifically tailored piece of implementation logic. For example, the question-webhook implementation will want to tailor its response to the actual knowledge question that our AI identified.

There are many approaches to mapping specific pieces of implementation logic at this next layer of detail. Our approach to this mapping problem is to use attributes called "capabilities". Each webhook type uses an appropriate segmentation of capabilities. The Ocelot processing will identify the proper capability and attach it to the webhook request.

For question-webhooks, the appropriate segmentation are questions. Each knowledgebase question can be assigned one capability. A question or a group of related questions can be assigned a capability. When our AI matches to a question and triggers the question-webhook event, the question's configured capability will be attached to the webhook request. The webhook handler should look at the capability and correctly route it to the specific implementation logic. This example showed how capability are used to specific implementation logic to a question or a group of questions.